Thursday 4 June 2015

Here's why you should be stretching after your workout!


Here's why you should be stretching after your workout!

If you lead an active lifestyle, chances are you consider stretching to be a necessary component of any workout. Most forms of exercise, from yoga to weight lifting, often stress the importance of incorporating stretching into your daily routine. Why is it that we put so much stock in being able to touch our toes? What is it about stretching that contributes so much to our workouts? Most importantly, is there a “right way” to go about this stretching business? Well, ladies, we are here to answer your questions! Take a look below to learn why you should be stretching every day!

What does stretching really mean? When asked to consider the benefits of stretching, many of us immediately think of that friend we have who practices yoga or Pilates on a regular basis. We imagine the extreme version of stretching, where people are so inhumanely flexible that they are capable of twisting themselves into knots. However, a more comprehensive definition of stretching is based upon the concepts of flexibility and range of motion. This basically means that a standard cannot be used when we are trying to determine a person’s stretching capabilities; it is defined by the individual. So when you catch a glimpse of that contortionist next to you at the gym folding herself in half, don’t lose heart!

Is there a right way to stretch? Contrary to popular belief, stretching is not necessarily about how flexible your muscles are. It is actually considered unhealthy to stretch past your body’s limitations, as your muscles are not the ones who dictate your range of motion. Every one of your bones and joints has a contact surface that regulates just how far you are capable of stretching. So when you reach down to touch your toes, you aren’t just stretching muscle; your joints and ligaments are sliding across various surfaces. Sounds a bit like nails on a chalkboard, right? It is important to remember that maintaining your normal range of motion is an integral part of healthy joint movements, but those individuals who stretch beyond the natural limitations of the body may be in danger of creating unnecessary wear and tear on their joints and ligaments. So yes, there is definitely a right way to stretch!


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