Friday 29 April 2016

How to Lose 10 Pounds in a Week - 8 Proven Tips That Helped Me to Lose 10 Pounds in One Week

I desperately needed to lose weight for my wedding. I have lost 13 pounds on the first week, and 10 pounds on the second. This is quite a short time for losing weight, and not very healthy, I know. However, this quick weight loss success was a kick-start for my weight loss journey, and it motivated me to keep losing weight, following natural and healthy methods later. I am going to share every single step I followed on the second week, that helped me to lose 10 pounds in 7 days.

How to Lose 10 Pounds in a Week - 8 Proven Tips That Helped Me to Lose 10 Pounds in One Week

Please keep in mind that extremely fast weight loss is never healthy.

Here are the steps I followed after the first 7 days, to lose 10 pounds in a week:

How to Lose 10 Pounds in a Week

1) First, I had a day of detox - to cleanse my body and lose weight even faster. I prepared a drink of lemon juice, ginger and honey mixed with water, and drank this detox drink during the day. Whenever hungry, I just drank it. I felt good, as I normally do, no cramps, no lack of energy, nothing. This was not hard at all, and I am sure it boosted my weight loss results. I know some people do the whole week of detox, but this is not for me.

2) I limited the amounts of foods, because I really needed to lose weight so fast. I had plenty of vegetables, lean meat, fish, eggs, and some fruits (mostly apples and oranges). My new rule of eating was this: half of the plate should be veggies (just tried to avoid too much potato), ¼ of the plate - white meat or fish, and the rest can be fruit (no bananas because they are too sweet and starchy). I know that eating less is not always an option for a long lasting weight loss. But it surely is an option for fast weight loss, and that`s what my goal was. An easier way to reduce the amount of food is to get a smaller plate. However, eating less was pretty hard, I admit. But I reached my goal, and I am so happy now.

3) I added 2 apples an one can of black beans to my daily diet. I had the beans as my main meal, or split them into 2 smaller meals and had with veggies on the side. This is a trick that no diets tell. And it works wonders, because 35 grams of fiber in a daily diet truly supercharges weight loss. These fibers clean the digestive tract and improve digestion.

4) I started to eat breakfast and stopped eating at night. 7 PM was the latest time of the day when I had my dinner. Breakfast boosted my metabolism and helped me to burn calories faster, although I never believed it could be so important for weight loss. It kept me energized as well. I got at least 10 glasses of water during the day, and I still do - water cleanses the body, increases metabolic rate, and does not let you feel hungry.

5) I distributed my usual calorie intake during the day. I started to eat 5 times a day, having smaller meals. This way I never had to go hungry.

6) I limited fat, sweet and not so healthy food, and whenever I felt like I need to eat something unhealthy, I moved those meals to the first part of the day. Because metabolism is higher in the morning compared to the evening, and this let me eat a donut or ice cream once every few days.

7) Instead of drinking juice, I had a fresh fruit every time. Juice is too sweet for weight loss, if you`re thirsty, get some water or unsweetened green tea.

8) I kept myself motivated and busy all the time. I know that when you`re busy, you have no time to go to the kitchen. This works wonders.

This plan might sound too simple to lose 10 pounds in a week - but follow this plan religiously, and you will see real results. source

Check out The 3 Week Diet today and start losing weight!

How to whiten your teeth super fast

You teeth are far away to look like white pearls? There is no need to empty your wallet for whiten treatments from the market of whiten procedure at dentist. You can use the nature in your advantage and prepare a homemade recipe to whiten your teeth at home.
In this article I will show you a miracle remedy to whiten your teeth at home in only 3 minutes. If you desire white teeth, a visit at dentist for this kind of procedure is very expensive and not everybody afford it. This recipe is made with natural and cheap ingredients and the results will be effective.
I use this procedure and I maintain my teeth white all the time. Find out the ingredients for this homemade recipe to whiten your teeth at home.

How to

1. Juice from half lemon
2. One teaspoon of baking soda

Squeeze half a lemon.
Mix the lemon juice with baking soda.
Soak your toothbrush in the obtained mixture and wash your teeth with it.
Repeat the procedure one time per week.
You will notice amazing results.

Lemon has many benefits for out teeth: If you have a teeth pain, and apply lemon juice on the affected areas, the pain diminishes. The massage with lemon juice stop gums bleeding and eliminate the unpleasant smell. Also, lemon has antibacterial proprieties and whitening proprieties.

Baking soda behaves like a scrub for your teeth. It cleans them, and removes the impurities from the enamel. It is not recommended to use it too often. I recommend to use it on time per week. If you use it too often you risk to destroy your enamel. source

How to whiten your teeth super fast

10 Simple Exercises To Reduce Belly Fat

Are you finding it difficult to fit into your little black number? Is belly fat giving you sleepless nights? If your answer is yes, you need to make some lifestyle changes to get the figure of your dreams. No doubt, belly fat looks aesthetically displeasing. It can assume serious proportions and affect long term health, if not curbed at the right time.

10 Simple Exercises To Reduce Belly Fat

Dieting and exercise go hand in hand. If you thought that only dieting will burn your belly fat, you are wrong. If you really want to lose weight, you need to include an hour of exercise in your daily routine for targeting and reducing belly fat. Here, we have compiled a list of 16 exercises that can help you reduce belly fat faster than you thought it would take:

Best Exercises To Reduce Belly Fat:

  1. Crunches
  2. Twist Crunches
  3. Side Crunch
  4. Reverse Crunches
  5. Vertical Leg Crunch
  6. Bicycle Exercise
  7. Lunge Twist
  8. Rolling Plank Exercise
  9. The Stomach Vacuum
  10. Captain’s Chair

1. Crunches:

Nothing burns belly fat faster than crunches, which occupy the number one position in fat-burning exercises. Now, it’s time that you start performing this exercise.

How To Do 

Lie down flat on a mat with your knees bent and feet on the ground. Alternatively, you can also lift your legs off the floor at a 90-degree angle. (See picture).
Lift your hands and place them behind your head, or keep them crossed on your chest.
Inhale deeply, and as you lift your upper torso off the floor, exhale.
Inhale again as you get back down, and exhale as you come up.
Do this for 10 times as a beginner.
Repeat another two to three sets.


Dumbbell crossover punch, shoulder press and side crunch, butterfly crunch.


While performing crunches, instead of entering the full sit-up position, just raise your back a few inches from the ground. This ensures you don’t hurt your back.

Also, don’t jerk your head forward while doing crunches. This will put pressure on your neck and result in pain. Just hold your hands above your head and perform the exercise. Source

Get rid of belly fat in 30 days with 4 exercises

If in the present moment you believe that obtaining a flat abdomen is a long-lasting plan or it is even impossible to achieve, it is a must to disagree with your misperception. Not only that you can opt for a diet that can help you with this, but you don`t even need more than one month to achieve spectacular results.

You don`t have to lie to yourself, but this is not an easy task. For 30 days, you will have to say goodbye to laziness and excuses and you will have to work hard. The main ingredient of losing weight is strong will, so activate yours and work for what you wish to obtain!
Here is a proposal for you: a series of exercises for the abdomen that you progressively perform for one month, in order to get rid of your belly and to be proud of your new look in a short period of time.

Exercises for perfect abdomen in 30 days

For 30 days, with several days of break between training sessions, you will have to perform 4 types of exercises: classical abdomens, crunch-type of abdomens, lifting up your legs and the board position. These are very simple, but they work on every muscle of your abdomen and they inclusively help to get rid of inferior belly fat that seems to be the most stubborn one.

Here is how you have to do each exercise, and then it further depends on you to respect your proposed schedule.

  1. Classical abdomens: lie on your back, unite your hands at your neck and get up until you have an angle of 90 degrees. It doesn`t matter how simple this basic exercise seems to be, you need to take into consideration a very important aspect: don`t get up by using the superior part of your body and never force your neck when doing this exercise. The idea is to get up by using your abdominal muscles. If you initially can`t stay with your legs extended on the floor, keep them slightly bent. You will see that over time you`ll gather more force and you will not have to afflict yourself with ridiculous classical abdomens. This exercise especially works on the superior part of your abdomen.
  2. Crunch-type abdomens: lie down on the floor, with bent knees and the sole of your feet fixed on the floor. With your hands behind your neck, lift your trunk up a little bit, so your blades would not touch the floor anymore. This is the basic position and from here, you only have to lift your body up a little more, and then return back, paying attention that your blades would not touch the floor. This type of abdomen works on the entire abdominal muscles.
  3. Lifting up your legs: lie on your back, with your legs extended and hands at your neck. Lift your trunk up a little bit, exactly like at the above exercises (your blades should not touch the floor). From this position, lift up one of your legs to an angle of 90 degrees and being careful to keep it as extended as possible. Use your abdominal muscles to lift your leg up. When you are done with the number of exercises with one leg, repeat it with the other one as well. This exercise intensively works on your inferior abdomen, the most problematic area in women.
  4. The board position: even if it seems to be initially easy, this exercise will be very difficult at the beginning. Lie on the floor, leaning on your forearms, with your legs outstretched and supporting on your fingertips. Your back needs to be straight, and your head in a neutral position (meaning that without lifting it or letting it down), so that your colon would not be bent. In order to maintain this position, you will have to intensively use your abdominal muscles. Source

Get rid of belly fat in 30 days with 4 exercises

10 Easy Ways to Firm Your Saggy Breasts Naturally

Every woman wishes for well shaped breasts and perfect size that will last as long as she lives. The only way in which women can achieve this is plastic surgery. As the women get older her breasts get older too, losing their elasticity and suppleness.

What are the breasts made of? Breasts are made of fat connective tissue and milk- producing glands. And in order to keep the good shape they need proper care.

Why do breasts sag? After woman turns 40 the breasts start sagging. The years are one of the reasons but there are also some other factors that influence the sagging of the breasts like: breastfeeding, pregnancy, menopause, rapid variation in weight, strenuous exercise, nutritional deficiencies, some diseases and wearing inappropriate bra.
You are surely familiar with the variety of creams and lotions for toning up the breasts, which promise to help you a lot. But there are also many natural methods and home remedies that are cheaper and with which you will have the same or even better effects.
All women must find some time during the day to incorporate exercise for saggy breasts. You should exercises that target breast tissues and pectoral muscles around the chest. This are exercises for effectively lift up and firm sagging breast:
Arm raises
Dumbbell flyes
Chest presses and pulls
It is recommended women to wear a supportive or sports bra while exercising.

Ice Massage
Ice massage is good for firmness in saggy breasts because the cold temperature will cause the tissue in the breasts to contract which results with firmer breasts.
This is the procedure for the massage:Take to ice cubes and massage the both breasts simultaneously in circular motions in duration of one minute. Wipe the breasts with towel and put the bra immediately. Stay in a reclining position for 30 minutes. Do the massage several times a day in regular intervals.
Note: Always have the time on your mind , because if you massage more than one minute it might cause numbness.

Olive Oil Massage
This massage is one more in the row that can be used for firming the breasts. Olive oil contains fatty acids and antioxidants that can reverse the damage caused by free radicals thus prevent the sagging of the breasts.You can also use some other oils like jojoba, avocado, almond or argon for massaging the breasts.
This is the procedure for the massage: First put olive oil on your palms and rub them. Rub your palm over your breasts in upward motion. Massage about 15 minutes and you will increase the blood flow and stimulate cell repair. Do this 4 or 5 times a week.

Cucumber and Egg Yolk Mask
Prepare a mask from egg yolk and cucumber and use it once a week. Egg yolk is rich with vitamins and proteins which will help in the treatment of breast sagging, while the cucumber has properties excellent for natural skin- toning.
This is the procedure for the massage: Blend 1 small cucumber. Mix together 1 teaspoon of butter and 1 egg yolk to get paste. Apply the mixture gently on your breasts and leave it like that for 30 minutes. Wash your breasts thoroughly with cold water

Egg White massage
This massage is good for lifting the skin around your breasts because the egg white contains hydro lipids.
You have two options for conducting this massage you can use only egg white or combine it with cucumber.
A. First beat 1 egg white until you get a foamy texture. Apply the mixture on your breasts and leave it for 30 minutes. Use cucumber juice to wash your breast and after that wash them again with cold water.
B. The other procedure for conducting the egg white massage is: Mix together 1 egg and 1 tablespoon of each plain yogurt and honey. Apply the mixture on your breasts and leave it for 20 minutes. Wash your breasts with cold water.

Fenugreek Massage
The massage from fenugreek is the most common massage used in the traditional Hindu system of medicine – Ayurveda. Practice this two times a week.
The procedure for the massage is as follow: Mix ¼ cup of fenugreek powder with the amount of water needed to get thick paste. Massage your breasts with this paste and leave it for 10 minutes. Wash your breasts with warm water. Instructions for preparation of the mask
– 10 drops of fenugreek oil and vitamin E oil
– ½ cup of yogurt
– 1 egg

Preparation and usage: Mix all the ingredients together until you get a smooth paste. Then apply it on your breast and rub gently. Leave the mask sit for half an hour. In the end wash your breasts with cold water. Do this once a week.

Pomegranate massage
Pomegranate is anti-aging ingredient that can slow down the sagging of your breasts. Use it for massaging your breasts and you will see.
Do the following procedure: Take some warm mustard oil and the peel of pomegranate and prepare a paste. Massage your breasts with it in circular motion for about 10 minutes every evening. Repeat this 2-3 times a week.
There is also one more way to prepare the mask and massage your breasts:
Take 4 teaspoons neem oil and mix it with 1 tablespoon of dried and powdered pomegranate rind. Heat this mixture for a few minutes. Let it cool for some time and use it. Massage your breast 2 times a day.

Aloe Vera Massage
Aloe Vera contains natural skin tightening properties that will make your breasts firmer.You can use the massage in two different ways.
A. The first way to conduct the massage: Massage your breasts in circular motion with Aloe Vera gel. Leave it like that for 10 minutes. Rinse your breasts with warm water.
B. The second way to conduct the massage: Make a mixture of 1 teaspoon of mayonnaise and honey and 1 tablespoon of Aloe Vera gel. Apply it gently on your breasts and leave it sit for 15 minutes. Wash your breasts first with warm and then with cold water.

Shea Butter massage
Use Shea butter for massage of your breast and make them firmer. Shea Butter is rich with vitamin E that will prevent the damage by free radicals. Conduct the massage 3 or 4 times a week and the results will be visible.
This is what you should do to conduct the massage: Apply some shea butter onto your breasts and massage in circular motions for 15 minutes. Leave it stay for additional 10 minutes. Rinse with warm water.

Rhassoul Clay
Rhassoul clay contains potassium and minerals ( iron, silica, calcium etc. ) that will firm your breasts. Do this only once a week.
Procedure for conducting the Rhassoul clay massage is: Mix 2 tablespoons Rhassoul clay powder and the amount of water that will be enough to make a smooth paste. Apply the paste onto your breast and allow it to dry. Wash your breasts with warm water.

Other tips
Make sure that you are not varying rapidly in your weight, drastic weight loss in a short time can cause your breasts to sag.
Drink enough water during the day to hydrate your skin.
Enjoy swimming and at the same time firm your breasts.
Quit smoking
Wear a supportive bra when you are exercising
Always use sunscreen when you are exposed on the sun, because it can make the skin lose its elasticity.
Keep your body straight when you walk or seat.
If it is necessary wear a push-up bra to give your breasts proper support.
You will also firm your breasts significantly by practicing yoga.
We also recommend you to eat healthy foods with vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, proteins, calcium and essential fats.

10 Easy Ways to Firm Your Saggy Breasts Naturally

Wednesday 27 April 2016

7 "Healthy" Habits Hurting Your Metabolism

7 "Healthy" Habits Hurting Your Metabolism

There are a lot of natural weight loss supplements for vegan, readilyavailable. It is important to make sure that you do the right thing when it comes to the weight loss. These natural weight loss supplements for vegan are present in our day to day food and these tips would help you to identify those supplements.

Food pyramid

The food pyramid is an easy way to identify the natural weight loss supplements for vegan. It helps you to understand the food groups which helps you to lose weight and those that help you to increase the weight. Opt for a small amount of every food group to make sure that you get a balanced diet.

Whole grain

The whole grains have enormous nutrients which help your body to use the carbohydrates for energy. There are grains which are easy to digest, like buckwheat, and the grains which are very difficult to digest. If the food is easy to digest, it would reach the intestine soon and gets accumulated as fat cells.

Leafy vegetables

The best of all the natural weight loss supplements for vegan is leafy vegetables. Kale, mustard, turnip greens, collard, broccoli and bok choy are a few green vegetables which are very vital for weight loss. These help in increasing calcium in the body, which aids in weight loss.


Nuts are healthier that what you think. When it comes to weight loss, nuts provide protein and other important enzymes which are very essential for the human body. The toasted nuts make the nutrients readily available to the body. Thus, it is better to choose raw nuts than toasted nuts. Naturally, the toasted nuts are tastier than the raw nuts. You can also mix raw and toasted nuts to get the best of both nutrient and taste. ¼ cup of nuts is enough for the body for weight loss. Consuming a lot of nuts would increase weight.


Cycling, sometimes known as spinning, is great exercise. It gets you outdoors and will not drain your checking account. Cycling is an awesome low-impact exercise that focuses on your quads, hamstrings and glutes. Another benefit of cycling is that the whole family can enjoy it. Strap on the kids’ helmets and find a path near you. Or sign up for a fast-paced cycling class at your local gym!


All you need to run is a good pair of running shoes (which we highly recommend — your legs will thank you for it). Running works every leg muscle from your hamstrings, glutes and quads down to your calves and shins. If you’re new to running, try starting out with the walk/run method. There are plenty of free apps for you smartphones that tell you when to walk and when to run. Don’t have a smartphone? Try Runner’s World or Active for some awesome online couch to 5K programs. Before you know it, you’ll be running three miles without stopping!

17 Fastest Exercises To Reduce Belly Fat

17 Fastest Exercises To Reduce Belly Fat

There are a lot of natural weight loss supplements for vegan, readilyavailable. It is important to make sure that you do the right thing when it comes to the weight loss. These natural weight loss supplements for vegan are present in our day to day food and these tips would help you to identify those supplements.

Food pyramid

The food pyramid is an easy way to identify the natural weight loss supplements for vegan. It helps you to understand the food groups which helps you to lose weight and those that help you to increase the weight. Opt for a small amount of every food group to make sure that you get a balanced diet.

Whole grain

The whole grains have enormous nutrients which help your body to use the carbohydrates for energy. There are grains which are easy to digest, like buckwheat, and the grains which are very difficult to digest. If the food is easy to digest, it would reach the intestine soon and gets accumulated as fat cells.

Leafy vegetables

The best of all the natural weight loss supplements for vegan is leafy vegetables. Kale, mustard, turnip greens, collard, broccoli and bok choy are a few green vegetables which are very vital for weight loss. These help in increasing calcium in the body, which aids in weight loss.


Nuts are healthier that what you think. When it comes to weight loss, nuts provide protein and other important enzymes which are very essential for the human body. The toasted nuts make the nutrients readily available to the body. Thus, it is better to choose raw nuts than toasted nuts. Naturally, the toasted nuts are tastier than the raw nuts. You can also mix raw and toasted nuts to get the best of both nutrient and taste. ¼ cup of nuts is enough for the body for weight loss. Consuming a lot of nuts would increase weight.

10 Simple Tips To Lose Weight In One Month

Obesity is a problem that affects a large number of people these days. In fact, most of them indulge in dieting even to the point of starvation and end up depriving their bodies of vital nutrients. To say the least, weight loss cannot be achieved overnight. It is a gradual process that requires effort and dedication on your part. Most of us have this misconception that by dieting rigorously, we can achieve weight loss. But the fact is, weight loss depends upon a healthy lifestyle that incorporates a balanced diet and regular exercise. It is the combination of these two factors that helps you to achieve your ideal weight. The tips given below do not promise drastic weight loss but will definitely help you to lose around 10 pounds within a month. Get to know how to lose weight in one month with these simple 10 tips!

10 Simple Tips To Lose Weight In One Month

Before starting your weight loss regime, it is important to understand that 1 month is too short a time to achieve a dramatic weight loss. So, set realistic goals such as losing 2 to 3 pounds per week. There are numerous fad diets and crash diets that can cause rapid weight loss within a short span of time. But they are often accompanied by several health risks. Moreover, most of the weight lost is water weight and you end up gaining weight rather than losing it after stopping with the diet plan. So, it is advisable to go for a healthy weight loss regime. Initially, you might lose more weight but by the middle of the month, your weight loss is most likely to slow down. At the most, you can expect to lose about 10 pounds in a month.
Incorporate a balanced diet that provides your body with all the vital nutrients. The foods given below are suitable to form the part of a healthy lifestyle:

2. Cut Down on your Calories:

Your weight is directly associated with your intake of calories. Caloric intake of 3500 calories makes up one pound of fat. So, in order to lose one pound, you need to consume 3500 less calories which is rather impossible. One way to achieve weight loss is to cut at least 500 calories from your daily diet. By doing this daily for 7 days, you can lose one pound in a week. There are several ways of cutting down on calories. You can eat smaller portions on your plate and replace high calorie foods like sweets and fries with fresh fruits, vegetables and salads. Incorporate a diet rich in whole grains, fruits and vegetables, and lean proteins to naturally cut down on calories. Avoid sugary drinks and sodas to further trim your caloric intake. However, do not go below 1200 calories in a day as this will cause a drastic drop in your energy as well as nutritional deficiencies.

3. Stay Away from “White” Carbs:

As far as possible, avoid consuming carbs that are white except after a work-out as they can cause weight gain. Such foods include rice, bread, cereal, potatoes, pasta and fried food. This is another simple tip on how to lose weight in 1 month you need to include.

4. Eat Healthy Foods:

Incorporate a balanced diet that provides your body with all the vital nutrients. The foods given below are suitable to form the part of a healthy lifestyle:

Leafy green vegetables like spinach, broccoli, lettuce, cabbage etc.
High fiber fruits like apples, bananas, pears and oranges
Low fat dairy products and milk substitutes like soy milk or rice milk
Complex carbs like brown rice, whole grain flour etc; you can also eat various types of grains like chia seeds, quinoa, buckwheat and hemp. Consume multigrain bread and wheat pasta instead of white ones.
Lean proteins like 95% lean red meat or skinless poultry, nuts, tofu, soy and egg whites
5. Avoid Unhealthy and Processed Foods:

You can indulge once in a while but if you want to lose a significant amount of weight in a month, it is advisable to stay away from the following unhealthy food items given below:

Potato chips
White pasta, rice and bread
Foods having processed sugar or high fructose corn syrup
Energy drinks and creamy or sugary coffee
Processed foods
6. Drink Plenty of Water:

Ensure that you drink at least 8 glasses of water in a day. It not only detoxifies and hydrates your system but is a great substitute for sugary drinks like juices and sodas. Besides, drinking plenty of water keeps you full and you are less likely to have hunger cravings. You can try adding citrus slices of lemons, lime or orange to make an interesting drink without calories. Herbal teas such as green tea are also a great option. You can add chia seeds or other seeds that expand in water to impart a unique flavor.

How To Use Apple Cider Vinegar To Treat Cellulite

How To Use Apple Cider Vinegar To Treat Cellulite

Cellulite can occur regardless of age, weight or your body shape. It’s not easy tot get rid of it without using special creams, having a healthy diet or exercise. If you have tried almost all the cosmetic creams and the results are not making you happy, here is a simple, natural remedy that will increase burnings and temperature and dissolve fat molecules membrane.
All you need are 100 ml natural apple vinegar, 100 ml of water and half a teaspoon of sea salt – free iodine and a towel. Mix the water with the vinegar and then add the sea salt and let it melt completely. Moisten the towel and wrap your thighs. If the odor is too strong or you don’t want to stain the bed sheets, you can use plastic wrap over the towels. Minimum hours required for this treatment is 4 hours, and you have to sit under the blanket to stay warm and let the apple vinegar work. You can try this before going to sleep, so the apple vinegar will work for more hours and will increase the burnings and sweating. In the morning, make sure you take a shower to get rid of the smell.

24 healthy breakfast ideas for busy days

Are weekday mornings as hectic in your house as they are in ours? Now that we’re no longer homeschooling, 2 of my kids have to be at the bus stop by 6:50 am.  But I am not going to let an early morning sabotage our need for a healthy breakfast.

24 healthy breakfast ideas for busy days

I’ve collected 24 different healthy breakfast ideas for you. These are all quick and easy to prepare. Some can even be prepped in advance, making you look like super mom on a busy weekday morning. 

Cooking is one of those critical life skills we’re teaching our kids. Find out how we’re having fun in the kitchen with our kids.

Rise and shine with these healthy breakfast ideas!

Monday 25 April 2016

20 Tough but Effective Butt Exercises of All Time

20 Tough but Effective Butt Exercises of All Time

Every girl dreams about a sexy, toned, fitness butt.

Popped butt, just like a nice shaped bubble.

There are many butt exercises all over the internet, especially butt lift workouts, but the truth is you have to know some really IMPORTANT things in order to do it right:

First of all, every butt workout has to be done with some weights – otherwise, it won’t work. If it hurts, that means you are doing it right.
Second, there is no such thing as 15 min butt workout! – for 15 min, you can do nothing.
And last, but not least, you can get sexy and toned butt, just by doing the leg workout routine – while you are doing leg exercises, your butt is getting stronger, and that way it’s getting toned and it pops out.toning exercises
So, here is a link to the Full Leg Workout Routine, the best toning exercises for your legs!

Now let’s get started with the best exercises to tone your butt!

Read very carefully, because this is the ultimate guide how to tone your butt!

Just Do Squats

Well, of course squats!

This is the exercise you want to do, not only for your legs, but to tone your butt too.

I told you, your butt and your legs go together like salt and pepper.

Just remember to do squats with the weights on, because otherwise you won’t get the results you’ve wanted.

It has to be challenging, in order to be life changing, so don’t forget the weights!

Here’s The Ultimate Guide For Nailing The Squat – How To Squat Right

Check it and learn to squat like a pro!

but exercise

Do Lunges

There are two types of lunges.

One with your legs separated, also known as open lunges;

and the other type of lunges is with your legs crossed.

The open lunges are more for your quadriceps, but the crossed are perfect for your butt.

You just have to put your legs, one behind the other, and bend.

And again, some weights will do no harm.

Here’s The Ultimate Guide On Nailing The Lunges – Types & How To Do It Right

Head on to the link and nail them!

how to tone your butt

Bent Knees Deadlift

The next butt exercise is the dead lift.

Again, there are two types of deadlift:

The first is with straight legs,
and the second is with bend knees.
To tone your butt, you should do the deadlift with bent knees, because it will tone the side muscles of your butt.

That’s actually the first step to getting a fit butt, when your side butt muscles get toned and shaped.

Here’s the guide for doing deadlifts:

Deadlift: A Must Do Exercise – Benefits & How To Do It Right

butt lift workout

Glute Bridges

And again, one great butt exercise.

You can do it while watching your favorite movie.

Just don’t forget to do it with some weights on your hips.


Cardio is one very important aspect in every workout.

If you eliminate cardio, your muscles can’t pop out – they will be underneath your fat.

So, to make them visible, we have to do cardio.

One of the best ways to do cardio, when it comes to your butt, is to run.

Now, ladies, get your sneakers on, and start running!

I hope I helped you to how to tone your butt fast!

30 Simple Exercises to Reduce Tummy

30 Simple Exercises to Reduce Tummy

Do you want to reduce your tummy fat? Tummy is a result of obesity but don’t worry we are here to help you. To reduce tummy fat most of the people choose dieting but they don’t know their side effects. The only way to lose the tummy is the exercise. Many people spend lots of money on different products that assure them to lose the belly fat, but all these are not helpful for them. Hence, today in this article we are telling you about the best exercises that are very helpful for reducing tummy fat.

                                       30 Simple Exercises to Reduce Tummy

10 Mental Rules Fit Women Live By

10 Mental Rules Fit Women Live By

10 Mental Rules Fit Women Live By

Attitude plays a big part to whether you thrive with your fitness goals or you fail. Here are 10 mental rules that fit women follow that helps them continue being successful in their fitness journey.

1. Shut out the noise

Shut out the constant stream of negative thoughts that runs through your mind. That mental static is your biggest obstacle – learning to filter it by focusing on positive thinking is essential to your success.

2. Maximize inner motivation

To do this you need to be absolutely clear about why you want to get fit. Figure out what’s really important to you. Do you want to lower your blood pressure? Fit into a size two? Or do you just want to feel better? Motivation that lasts can’t come from an outside source—like your doctor or a loved one who wants you to slim down. It has to come from a personal, deep-rooted desire for change.

3. Cultivate grit

Grit is the resolve and passion required on a daily basis to pursue a long-term goal. To cultivate grit, you have to commit to consistency no matter what. A fit person wakes up every day knowing she will do whatever it takes to stay on track—whether that means getting up an hour earlier to make it to the gym before work or squeezing in a power walk at lunch. The secret is focusing on the thoughts that drive and inspire you. If it helps to remind yourself how good you’ll feel post workout, for example, do that. If it motivates you to daydream about your future toned tummy, do that. Concentrate on exactly what you want to achieve and make every day count.

4. Set specific goals and strategies

The more detailed your daily goals and plans, the better. An English study on women enrolled in a weight loss program asked half of their subjects to write down their strategies for managing temptation (for example, when sugar cravings strike, I will make a cup of tea). After two months, those women had lost twice as much weight as women in a control group, who did not write their strategies down.

5. Picture your success

Close your eyes and imagine your ideal body—both what it looks like from head to toe, and how it makes you feel. Then, go shopping – if you want that body, then buy clothes that would fit if you had it. And try them on every day until they fit!

6. Plan your meals, eliminate choices

Chocolate croissant or steel cut oats? Grilled salmon or a quesadilla? When you have to make these types of dietary decisions all day long, you may end up exhausting your willpower. Planning your meals in advance, however—even just one meal per day—can make it easier (and less stressful) to eat healthy.

7. Do not give yourself any outs

There are a few classics, like “If I don’t exercise at lunchtime, I’ll do it tonight” or “I’ll have ice cream today and get my diet back on track tomorrow.” Any sort of procrastination and deviation runs the risk of bumping you off course. Don’t give yourself an out, and stick to the path that leads to your goal.

8. It’s ok to give in sometimes

It’s inevitable that from time to time your healthy routine will get interrupted by forces outside your control, like when your partner proposes an impromptu date night right after you’ve bought salad ingredients. When that happens, try to go with the flow and enjoy yourself.

9. Believe it and become it

This rule is simple: If you believe you can be in amazing shape, then you’ll do things on a day-to-day basis to accomplish it. The problem is, many of us carry around defeating beliefs. When you recognize a negative thought (like, “I’m so uncoordinated”), ask yourself why you think that way. You may discover the criticism originally came from your parents, or your sibling, or a childhood buddy. Don’t give those outdated internal beliefs power. Just let them float away, like leaves that have fallen into a river (much easier to say and write it than done) You have control over your thoughts – they don’t have control over you.

10. Enjoy milestones, jump for joy

Celebrate milestones. If you don’t appreciate your successes along the way, you risk becoming emotionally numb, nonreactive.. But giving yourself regular (healthy!) rewards (like a massage, for example), provides a little “added oomph” to keep going and push yourself even harder in the long run.

Seven Super Ways To Lose Weight Fast

Seven Super Ways To Lose Weight Fast

What is the best way to lose weight fast? If you ask this question, you will get tons of answers in this perspective. May be you will get something that seems unbelievable but in fact it is super effective.

Read on this post you will get here some super effective but quick process as I have found in my web research on what is the best way to lose weight fast.

Say no to salty aisle

If you want to reach your goal weight the first thing that I suggest is stop buying snacks at the grocery store. If you keep on buying and eating all these you will never be successful to reach your weight lose goal. So be a little stubborn on your desire to lose weight fast and of course without any side effect.

Eat a healthy breakfast

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. But most of the time we seem to skip breakfast as a part of our diet plan and in the noon we eat much. As a result of this we become bulky and become a permanent patient of obesity. So be careful about your breakfast not only on your diet period but always. This is not only one of the best fundamentals on what is the best way to lose weight fast but also stay healthy always.

Make a little distance with sugar

Avoiding sugar is one of the best ways to cut weight fast. If you consult with the nutritionist about what is the best way to lose weight fast I am sure they will keep the sugar intake limitation first. Sugar is high carb what helps to gain weight fast. Though you are damn freak to have sweet you can take honey instead of sugar as it is low in fat.

Workouts to Slim Down Your Neck and Face?

Workouts to Slim Down Your Neck and Face?

Many individuals exercise every day but forget one important body area -- the face and neck. Exercising your chin tones the muscles of your lower face, your jawline and your neck for a more youthful appearance. Exercise the muscles of your lower face and chin on a daily basis and you may benefit from the natural facelift results that you could begin to see in a matter of weeks.

Chin Lifts
The chin lift exercises multiple small muscles that make up the lower portion of the face, including the hyoglossus, the mylohyoid and the platysma, the large muscle flap that extends from your chin down along the front of your throat. Toning these muscles purportedly slims the front part of the neck and chin where they join. Start with your head and neck in a relaxed position. Tilt your head backward until the chin points upward to the ceiling. Push your chin forward. You'll feel a strong pull all along the jawline and front of the neck. Hold the position for 10 seconds. Lower your chin and repeat the exercise sequence 20 times.

Double Chin
Get rid of your double chin by performing focused exercises in the front of the neck area. One example of an effective exercise is to do what is called kissing the ceiling. Tilt your head back and purse your lips in an exaggerated kissing position. Extend the lips toward the ceiling and hold a second, then release. Continue repeating the kissing motion 10 to 20 times. You can do this exercise several times a day.

Yoga Lion Pose
The lion pose helps tone and exercise all the muscles of the face, but also targets the lower jaw, chin and neckline. Kneel on the floor, hands on your thighs. Open your eyes and mouth as wide as you can and stick your tongue out, trying to touch your tongue to your chin. Hold this position while saying "ah" for five to 10 seconds to start. Release the pose. Relax a moment and then repeat. You can do this exercise as often as you wish through the day.

Hanging Head Lift
Lie on a sofa or bed with your head hanging over the edge. Lift your chin toward your chest. Place a hand behind your head to help if needed until your neck and jaw muscles grow stronger. Hold the contraction for a few seconds and then slowly lower your head back to its starting position. Repeat five more times and then relax.

Chin workouts alone will not get rid of excess fat in and around your chin -- you will also need to include regular full-body exercise into your routine. Cardiovascular and strength training exercises will build muscle and burn fat throughout your entire body, including your chin. Perform at least 30 minutes of cardio on most days of the week and strength train on three nonconsecutive days per week to get the best results and improve the look of your chin.

Saturday 23 April 2016

What Is Acne On Your Body Telling About Your Health

A lot of people treat acne the same way no matter where on the body it appears. It is true that a lot of creams and gels work well, but the root cause of the acne can be treated differently depending on where exactly on the body does it appear. Every region corresponds to certain major problems which give certain ways to treat it. You will find out here the main sources of why acne appears on certain areas on your body and it will be a good point for you to start with the treatment of it by taking in consideration the root cause of acne on each body region. Our body will always try to communicate with us, we just have to listen. So, lets find out about what acne can tell us!

What Is Acne On Your Body Telling About Your Health

What is acne on your body telling about your health:

Zone 1 – Hormones
Corresponds to the neck and can tell you that you have an overdrive of adrenal glands or you might have been exposed to too much sugar or stress. Wearing shirts with collars can accentuate them or even having greasy hair can make them multiply.
Zone 2 and 3 – Stress
Correspond to shoulders and it means you have been overstressed, sensitive to outer stimulus or you can check if your handbag didn’t cause too much friction and irritated the area.
Zone 4 – The Digestive System
Corresponds to chest area and acne here usually means you might have an overgrowth of yeast in the body and digestive system, poor diet, bad eating habits or you wear clothes that are not breathable so your pores doesn’t get enough air.
Zone 5 and 6 – Levels of Vitamins
Correspond to your arms and acne here appears in forms of “fake goosebumps”. An overproduction of dead cells at the hair follicle level or even a poor blood circulation can cause them. You have to get a check to see how well your body absorbs vitamins and minerals so you know you are not dealing with a malabsorption. Other things you can do is to exfoliate more often the area with salicylic acid.
Zone 7 – Blood Sugar Levels
Corresponds to the belly area and it mostly tells you have a high blood sugar or you wear tight fitting clothes. Cases of acne on this area are very rare though, even in these conditions.
Zone 8 – Hygiene or Beauty Procedures
Corresponds to your pelvic and genital area and acne here can be a result of waxing or shaving. In some cases might show a poor hygiene or some sort of STD. Follow when do they appear and if you notice them after shaving or waxing it is normal, if they are there all the time you should ask yourself more questions about them.
Zone 9 and 10 – Allergies or Skin Sensitivities
Correspond to your tights and usually they appear as a result to some sort of allergies to detergents and beauty products like shower gels or soaps. Sometimes, just like as for zone 8, the causes can be waxing or shaving. In this case, products with salicylic acid (BHA) or glycolic acid (AHA) are good.
Zone 11 and 12 – Digestive and Nervous System
Correspond to the middle and lower back area which can show acne there mostly from sweating reasons. Not enough sleep and a poor diet can show up there and what you can do is to check these first and correct them. Watch out clothes that are too tight and make sure you get enough sleep.
Zone 13 and 14 – Digestive System
Correspond to your butt cheeks and as you can see what you eat really matters and the digestive system can cause problems on a lot of areas on your body under the form of acne. Acne in this area shows a poor digestive system or wearing dirty underwear that is not breathable, especially if you are a person who sweats a lot in that area.

6 Things to Never Do in the Shower, If You Want Great Hair

6 Things to Never Do in the Shower, If You Want Great Hair

When you're jumping into the shower, the last thing you're thinking about is all the ways you could be hurting your hair once you step under that steam. After all, there are so many amazing products and things you can do to boost your hair's shine, smoothness, and overall health while you lather up. But there are also things to never do in the shower if you want great hair.

The simple mistakes that everyone makes happen to even the most diligent shower-takers — in fact, especially them. Showering too often can actually strip your hair of essential moisture that keeps it looking fresh. But if you go the opposite route and skip steps, using a 2-in-1 product for example, you might not be offering your hair the specific nourishment and care it needs to stay shiny and healthy.

Just combing through your hair with a special shower-friendly brush to detangle it can significantly decrease hair breakage levels. Plus, figuring out what formulas cater specifically to your hair needs might just lead you to the deeply moisturizing conditioner of your dreams — finally helping you step out of the shower with an envy-worthy 'do. Read on for simple hair tips that will take your post-shower hair from 0-to-100 real quick.

Mistake #1: Showering Too Often Solution: Refresh Dark Hair Between Washes With Vegan Dry Shampoo

This all-natural dry shampoo for brunettes deodorizes with bamboo charcoal and refreshes hair with peppermint and eucalyptus. Apply this to your roots throughout the week, and keep your hair washing to three times a week, max. This will help your hair retain the moisture it needs to look and feel its healthiest. Bonus: The kaolin clay in this formula absorbs any oil or grease that creeps into your roots throughout the week.

...Or Keep Light Hair Fresh With A Brush-On Dry Shampoo For Blondes

For lighter hair, this dry shampoo eliminates excess oils and lifts roots with rice starch for added volume, keeping your style fresh, even on no-shower days. The hint of color in the light spray complements your hair's light tones, in addition to leaving it feeling clean and vibrant. One user calls this a "must buy" for blondes — while another uses it as her go-to for in between coloring session with the stylist.

Mistake #2: Not Using Specialized Products For Specific Hair Needs Solution: Wash Fine, Chemically Treated Hair With Amino Acid-Rich Formula

If you're grabbing just any product for the shower that promises 2-in-1 results for your hair, you're missing out on the chance to treat your hair's specific needs as you lather up. For chemically treated hair, this shampoo and conditioner duo contains protective herbs and botanicals that keeps your scalp free from irritation from common chemical services, in addition to pore-clogging sebum. Bonus: If your hair has thinned from your last bleach or perm, these products will also use fortifying amino acids to help you grow thicker, healthier hair.

...Or Improve Fading Vibrancy With Color-Safe Shampoo & Conditioner

If you're in love with your latest dye job, you don't want it to fade after a few washes. To keep your color looking new and vibrant, a color-preserving shampoo and conditioner is an absolute must. This specific formula works to balance out the hair's surface, which results in saturated, vibrant hair. Users rave about these this duo, saying that they give them "just stepped out of the salon" results.

Mistake #3: Turning Water Temperatures Too High Solution: Restore Moisture With A Hydrating Mask

Hot showers are everything. If you're not willing to turn temperatures down to eliminate the harsh effects of hot water on your hair, you'll want to start using an effective hydrating mask to keep your hair healthy and strong. This treatment gently nourishes dry hair and will leave it strong and silky smooth. Users give this product top ratings for being "the best mask they've ever used" and making their hair "truly feel like silk." Bonus: This formula is color-safe and can be used on any hair type.

5 Best Exercises To Torch Your Flabby Belly ~ Medihealer

5 Best Exercises To Torch Your Flabby Belly ~ Medihealer

Counting reps or watching the time elapse on the treadmill can be boooring (even if there is a Real Housewives marathon on to distract you). Even worse, your workout might not be getting you results. When you go to the gym, every minute should count — otherwise, what's the point? Get more out of your hard work with these six easy tips from Jessi Kneeland, personal trainer, coach, and founder of Remodel Fitness.

1. Skip the tabloids.
If you're hitting cardio machines just to meet your daily movement requirements (and maybe break a sweat), by all means, page through the latest issue of People. But if you're looking to slim down or tone up, you shouldn't be able to comfortably read a mag while working out. "Intervals are way more effective than low-intensity cardio for fat-burning," says Kneeland. "There are many ways — some of them even programmed into the machines—to break up your time into intervals, so that you can cycle through pushing yourself harder and then giving yourself a break." Focus on the resistance and incline, not who's breaking up in Hollywood.

2. Less is more.
If you can bang out 100 perfect push-ups, more power to you. But reps aren't everything — if 90 of those push-ups are half-assed, they barely count, muscle-wise. "Form always trumps reps," says Kneeland. "I would rather see five perfect reps than ten sloppy ones. Good form not only protects your joints, it also ensures that the right muscles are doing the work. The right muscles doing the work means the right muscles getting more toned."

3. Snack beforehand.
Cramming a workout in on your way home from work usually seems like the easiest and most efficient option. But if that's your routine, don't hold off on eating until after the gym. "Most often people do best with a snack or a light meal one to two hours before the workout," advises Kneeland. "Something with protein is always best, and some carbs (like fruit) will make a tough workout feel easier. If you haven't eaten anything in three or more hours before your workout, odds are good your blood sugar will crash during (or right after) your workout, making you feel fatigued, light-headed, nauseous, or just yucky." Eat to burn, people.

4. Multitask.
Sit-ups and bicep curls are great, but you can get more toning in (and get out of there faster—who doesn't love that?) when you do moves that target multiple muscles at the same time, like planks and burpees. "A move that uses your whole body will burn more calories and fat than a move that only ones one specific muscle," says Kneeland.

5. Switch up your routine.
If going to the gym feels like going through the motions, you're probably doing it wrong. Your workout should be getting harder every week if you want to see results. "If you do the same reps, weights, and exercises every time you train, your body will get used to the workout, and you'll stop seeing progress," says Kneeland. "Progressing in some form each week (more weight, more reps, more sets, less rest, etc.) will help, then switching up the routine to new machines or new classes every four to six weeks will ensure you continue to see results."