Monday 29 February 2016


Strong, well-defined shoulders and biceps were the reward Michelle Taylor, a New York City investment banker in her early 40s, got from regular weight-lifting sessions. She also got constant pain in her neck, which she figured was a price worth paying―until she met a personal trainer who changed her mind. He pointed out that she was hunching her shoulders up to her ears as she did strengthening exercises. He advised her to focus on pressing her shoulder blades down into her back while pushing her chest slightly outward. And poof!―no more pain. Better yet, Michelle could do more repetitions than before.

Getting the Most From Your Workout

Tricks like these make workouts work better. Knowing the secrets to performing an exercise correctly―like shifting your alignment or modulating your speed―will not only save you pain but also help you burn more calories, build strength, and avoid injury.

Below is a guide to getting the most from 11 popular forms of exercise: walking, running, weight training, spinning, stability balls, yoga, stair-climber, elliptical trainer, swimming, rowing, and tennis.


1. Walking
Think about your feet. Instead of moving through the standard heel-toe, heel-toe step, lead with your heel and roll through your entire foot before pushing off with your toes. This can turn a stroll into a power walk that also engages your shins.

Also remember to…

Pump your arms. By making your stride more purposeful and energetic, you’ll pick up the pace, which means you’ll burn more calories and get a better cardio workout. Bend your arms at a 90-degree angle and punch them forward and back, rather than across your body.

2. Running
Take longer strides. It’s a body-friendly way to increase speed. Many runners try to go faster by taking more steps more quickly, but this is tougher on both the knees and the lower back. Find the stride length that enables you to be lightest on your feet and moves you fastest. Test out several strides. Once you find the one that makes you feel like you’re gliding rather than pounding, that’s your ideal length.

Also remember to…

Increase the incline. When running on a treadmill, set it at a 1 percent gradient. Running on a treadmill is much easier than running outdoors on real terrain, even when it’s fairly level. A 1 percent incline mimics outdoor conditions. Over time, increasing the incline (or the number or height of hills when running outdoors) will make you work harder and may improve your speed once you go back to flat ground.

Lower Abs Workout For Women

Lower Abs Workout For Women

7 Exercises That Will Transform Your Body

7 Exercises That Will Transform Your Body

7 Effective Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Double Chin Fast

7 Effective Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Double Chin Fast

5 Exercises to Slim Your Legs

5 Exercises to Slim Your Legs

70 Yoga Poses to Tone, Strengthen and Detox Your Body

70 Yoga Poses to Tone, Strengthen and Detox Your Body

5 Moves That Will Keep Your Abs Sore For Days

5 Moves That Will Keep Your Abs Sore For Days

7 Effective Lower Abs Workout For Women

7 Effective Lower Abs Workout For Women

9 Best Exercises For A Super Toned Butt

9 Best Exercises For A Super Toned Butt

5 Best Foods To Eat To Get Rid Of Belly Fat

5 Best Foods To Eat To Get Rid Of Belly Fat

Sunday 28 February 2016

5 Moves to Banish Back Fat [VIDEO]

Ready to get your sexy back… with a sexy back? A strong back is a powerful asset on a woman and a trouble area we oftentimes hear complaints about. Who else is hating the back fat bra bulge? Grab a BOSU ball, stability ball and a couple five to 10-pound dumbbells and get ready to work that upper body!

1. Frog Crunch on Stability Ball: For this move, you’ll lay on your stomach on top of the stability ball and pulse your legs up toward the ceiling, lifting your knees off the stability ball. Perform 12 reps of this move.

5 Moves to Banish Back Fat [VIDEO]

NOTE: For Complete Article Please use the Source Button at the left Bottom of Picture .

28 Day Detox Tea Program

Cleanse and detoxify your body in just 28 days drinking 100% natural detox tea. This program includes 28 days worth of caffeine-free, loose leaf tea and a detox guide to help you shed fat and get healthy - naturally.

28 Day Detox Tea Program

NOTE: For Complete Article Please use the Source Button at the left Bottom of Picture .

8 Moves To Get Rid Of Your Thunder Thighs

8 Moves To Get Rid Of Your Thunder Thighs

The hardest reality about losing weight is that you can’t just circle a specific spot on your body and melt away the fat. It takes smart full-body training to really burn fat, and you’ll see the results all over. What you can do is focus your strengthening and toning exercises on one muscle area to isolate a trouble spot and really define those muscles—which, when combined with cardio (running, elliptical, whatever form you like best and will actually stick with), will give you the results you want.

Pull-ups: Your back is made up of many different muscles, and a pull-up is an all-encompassing exercise that tones and sculpts them all, Stokes says. But they’re hard, so people tend to shy away from them. If you can do a normal pull-up—gripping the bar with your palms facing out—that’s ideal. “That’s going to work more of your lat muscle and back,” says Stokes. A chin-up, where palms are facing you, is an easier option and it’s still going to work your back a bit, but it hits the biceps more, so make chin-ups your second option.

Dumbbell row: Place one knee on a bench, couch or table with a light (3-5 pounds) weight in the opposite hand, slightly bending forward with back flat. Pull the arm back straight in a row motion, contracting your upper back, elbow skimming the side of the body as it moves. Do a full set of 12 and then switch arms.

Renegade row: Get into a plank position, arms out straight directly beneath your shoulders, squeezing your butt and pulling your abs tight into your spine. Hold a 3-5-pound weight in each hand. Starting with one arm at a time, pull the weight back into a row movement, engaging the upper back and delts.

TYI: Lie on your stomach on the floor, or balance on a physio ball, holding 3-pound dumbbells in each hand. Engage your back and lift the chest a little. Then, move arms up and out into a T position, release, move into a Y position, release, and then move them into an I, arms touching out straight above your head. This is a great one for the rear delt, which is an important posture muscle, Stokes notes. Most people are very weak here, so use a super-light weight for this one.

Push-ups: This basic move primarily works your chest, but it can actually be a great back exercise, too. Get into a standard push-up position with hands on the ground wider than shoulder-width apart. “When you lower into the contracted position, you’re actually engaging your back,” Stokes notes. So lower yourself slowly and really focus on that downward movement. Hold at the bottom for 3 seconds and push back up, contracting the chest.

Jumping rope: It might feel like you’re just working your shoulders, Stokes says, but they’re connected to your back, so it’s hitting that as well. Plus, it’s a great cardio workout that’ll burn fat all over.

Upper body cycle: You know that upper body bike at the gym that’s empty all the time? “I use that thing like a freakin’ maniac,” says Stokes. “It’s the most unused piece of equipment and it’s amazing for your triceps and your back.” Try 5 minutes on that and you’ll barely make it through. Try biking backward on it for an even stronger back burn. via


This past week I had 3 different training clients ask me for exercises that get rid of back fat from bra overhang. I led them through a series of exercises that targets the muscles in that area. After the workout, each lovely lady said they felt like they were working muscles they didn’t know they had.

In today’s episode of CCtv, I share the best exercises that target the bra bulge area on your back. If you’re self-conscious about fat bulges from your bra, this workout is for you. : ) 


This exercise is a twist on a traditional bent over row, literally, because you twist your wrist halfway through the exercise.  Holding dumbbells, bend your knees slightly and bring your torso forward, by bending at the waist.  Keep your back straight until it’s halfway to being parallel to the floor.  The dumbbells should hang directly in front of you, with your wrists facing each other.  This is your starting position. Now, while keeping your torso stationary, lift the dumbbells straight up and back, keeping your elbows close to your body.  Then slowly lower the barbell back to the starting position.  Flip your grip so that your wrists face away from you and repeat the movement, pulling the weights back and up, with your elbows close by your side.

Start with your arms out to the side, with your elbows bent, slightly below shoulder height.  This is your starting position.  Rotate the weights down so that your knuckles face the floor and your elbows are in line with your shoulders.  This is position 2.  Now kick the weights out, until your wrist is shoulder height.  That is the third position.  Return to position 2, the rotate the weights up to the starting position. 

Please note, a Chicken wing is a modification of the Shoulder Fly exercise pictured above.  To target the bra strap area, you’d perform a very similar movement, only you’d start standing up straight with your weights pointing straight out in front of you at hip level, with your wrists facing each other.  This is your Flap your wings, by drawing your elbows out to the side and up until they’re slightly higher than shoulder height.  Slowly return back down to the starting position.  As you’re flapping, keep the weights pointed out in front of you. Only your elbows should move the weights up and down. via

Saturday 27 February 2016

Many of us, women, would like to trim our thighs. The way to do that is throughfat-loss and strengthening the thigh muscles. Here's a 5 exercise circuit. 1. ice skaters, 2. sumo squats, 3. pop squats, 4. inward box jumps, 5, sliding squats. Burn breeds change.

Many of us, women, would like to trim our thighs. The way to do that is throughfat-loss and strengthening the thigh muscles. Here's a 5 exercise circuit. 1. ice skaters, 2. sumo squats, 3. pop squats, 4. inward box jumps, 5, sliding squats. Burn breeds change.

Skinny Mom once posed a question on Facebook asking which area of your body you want to improve. Before even scanning the comment thread, I knew that the overwhelming response would be the thighs and tush because, unfortunately, that’s how we are made. There are so many wonderful things about being a woman, but the propensity toward saddlebags and rear cushioning aren’t top on most of our lists.

The best way to trim out both the inner and outer thighs comes through a combination of strengthening muscles and burning through the fat pockets that are covering them up. With this circuit, you will do a burst of cardio that relies heavily on those muscles, followed by a strengthening move. Do all of the exercises, in order, with very little rest between them until after the sliding squats. Rest for about a minute before beginning the circuit again. Repeat the circuit a third time and feel the burn!

ICE SKATERS- For ice skaters, you’ll need to channel your inner Apollo Ohno. Start by leaping sideways, letting your inside leg slide as far behind your outside one as you can. Do this back and forth as quick as you can for 45 seconds.

WEIGHTED SUMO SQUATS- Start with your feet much wider than shoulder-width apart, toes pointed outward. Dangling either a heavy dumbbell, medicine ball or kettlebell with both hands, slowly drop straight down into a squat (thighs parallel to the floor and knees not going wider than your toes) and then powerfully return to the starting position.

POP SQUATS- Start standing with your feet together. Simultaneously jump both feet out and into a squat and then jump them back together into your starting position. Jump quick and powerfully for 45 seconds.

INWARD BOX JUMPS- For this, you will need either an exercise step or a low box at your gym. Start by straddling the step or box and jump both feet up and in at the same time, touching as they come together. Quickly step one foot off then the other, back to straddling and continue on with your inward jumps 12 times total. *This is my pick for the very best inner thigh exercise.

HEISMAN SHUFFLE- Yes…more squats! For this last burst of cardio, start with feet just wider than shoulder-width apart, toes forward. Lower into a squat and as you come back up, jump to the right, clicking your feet as they meet in the air. Land with your feet just wider than shoulder-width apart again and drop back into a squat. Repeat the jump slide in the other direction. Keep sliding and squatting quickly and powerfully for 45 seconds.
After 3 sets of this circuit, your legs will burn and you will feel exhausted. Just remember, that burn and exhaustion is what stems change! via

Friday 26 February 2016

Top 10 Exercises to Tone Your Butt

Top 10 Exercises to Tone Your Butt

Hip-Lift Progression
This is an awesome way to relieve tension in your lower back and work your butt at the same time. (A cushy mat will keep your tailbone from crying afterward.)

Do it:

Lie on your back with your arms at your sides with your knees bent and your feet on the floor.
Lift your hips toward the ceiling. Hold for 1 count, and then lower back down.
Repeat the lifts for 60 seconds, squeezing your glutes and hamstrings at the top of the range of motion. Be careful not to overarch your spine.
To make this exercise more difficult, extend one leg at the top of the lift. Keep your thighs parallel and hold the lifted position for about 5 seconds.
Keeping your hips up, place your foot back on the floor and then lower your hips.
Repeat this exercise for 30 seconds; switch sides and do the move for another 30 seconds on the other leg.

Toe Taps
The, um, lower, looser part of my butt takes a beating from this move. Thankfully.

Do it:

Lie on the floor with your arms on your sides.
Lift your feet, bending both knees to 90 degrees so your thighs are perpendicular to the floor.
Now slowly and quietly tap your left toes to the floor, then your right.
Alternate tapping feet for one minute.
If you feel any lower back pain, don’t bring your toes all the way down.

Single-Leg Front Raises
Balance! A solid thigh stretch! Glute tightening! This is a multi-reward move that requires less coordination than you might think.

Do it:

Stand with your feet hip-width apart, holding a 5-pound dumbbell in each hand.
Bend your right leg and raise it about 3 inches off the floor.
Extend both arms in front of you at chest height and your palms facing down.
Keeping your arms straight, raise your left arm above your head and hold for 3 counts, then return to chest height.
Continue alternating arm raises until you’ve done 8 total, 4 reps on each arm.
Now switch legs, doing 8 more reps standing on your right leg.

Tone Your Arms (Without Weights)

Tone Your Arms (Without Weights)

It is a truth universally acknowledged: we all want toned, beautiful arms. But actually getting them? That’s another story. Sometimes you just don’t want to drag your tired body all the way to gym to stand in front of a weight rack, worrying that you’re going to drop something or pull a crucial muscle. Fortunately, you can totally get a great arm workout (and therefore sexy arms) at home without touching a single heavy object; we consulted Jasmine Graham, founder of and owner of the boutique gym Fit Factory NYC for her very best workouts. Here’s how to tone your arms—without weights.
Each move should be done for one full minute—you can start with one run-through (so five minutes and you’re done!), and then repeat them as you gain strength.

Exercise #1: Wall Push-Ups.
Sure, push-ups aren’t the easiest thing in the world to do. But wall push-ups allow you to adjust your difficulty level, making them easier than “normal” push-ups.
To do them, stand up straight facing a wall, with your face about six inches away from the wall. Place your hands on the wall shoulder width apart. Step back as far as you can with both feet on the ground. Inhale as you go down into the push-up, keeping your glutes tucked as you descend, and exhale as you push away from the wall.
Tip: If the push-ups are too difficult with a full step back from the wall, walk your feet in a little to where you can comfortably do them, says Graham. You’ll be able to build up to it.

Exercise #2: Floor Dips.
You can do dips in a chair, but Graham says that people often lift up too high, turning the workout into more of a pelvic thrust than an arm workout. On the floor, it’s easier to watch your form.
To do them, sit on the floor with your knees bent and your feet and fingers facing forward, as if you’re about to do a crab walk. Then, tighten your abs, tuck your glutes, and lift your pelvis up until your body is in a reverse tabletop position. Lower your body by bending your arms, activating your triceps. As you near the floor, keep your butt off the floor so that your core and arm muscles remain active. Keep repeating the dips for one minute.
Tip: If you’re a beginner or don’t necessarily have core control yet, it’s okay to touch the ground, but try to touch it just slightly and push back up.

Exercise #3: Half Circle Arm Rotations.
Those arm circles you had to do in gym class are surprisingly good at building upper body strength, but the repetitive motion makes it easy to zone out and abandon quality circles. Half-circle rotations are a more active move that works deep into your arm muscles.
To do them, stand with your feet hip-width apart and hold your arms out parallel to the floor. With your palms facing forward, cup both hands as if you’re holding a tennis ball in each hand. Rotate your whole arm forward in a half circle so that the cupped hand goes from facing forward to facing behind you. Keep your elbows locked to maximize muscle engagement. Then, rotate back into your original position. Rotate back and forth as fast as you can.
Tip: Think of the motion as a slap forward and a slap back

Exercise #4: Weight-Free Rows.
To create resistance with a weight-free row, all you need is your own fist. Though typically done with a dumbbell, making a tight fist activates the muscles of your arm enough to make for a substantial workout.
To do it, bend slightly forward by hinging at the hip. Bend your elbows at your sides, and pull your arms back without unbending at the elbow, creating a rowing motion. This works biceps and triceps in addition to activating the muscles of your upper back. Repeat for a full minute.
Tip: Make sure to keep your arms close to your sides to maximize the effectiveness of this workout.

Exercise #5: X Jumps.
Your inner cheerleader finally has an outlet with X jumps, a cardio move that engages your whole arm and simultaneously strengthens your abs and legs.
Stand with your feet spread out shoulder width apart and your arms by your sides. Jump up and spread your arms out over your head so that you form an “X” shape at the top of your jump. As you land, bend your knees slightly to soften your landing.
Tip: This can be tough to do for a full minute when you’re just starting out, but do as many as you can.

Make your butt rounder and stronger today

Make your butt rounder and stronger today


Of all the bum-friendly exercises to add to your workout routine, the squat should be numero uno. True, it’s the queen exercise of butt-building, but it’s also a great movement for athleticism, flexibility, and can even tax your cardiovascular system.Joan Puli, an IFBB Bikini competitor and proud owner of a great booty has some tips for squatting. “Old-fashioned bodyweight squats that go below parallel are a great way to start your leg workout,” she says. “They’re the perfect way to make sure you concentrate on using the right muscles throughout the workout.”

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