Saturday 19 December 2015


Castor oil comes from the seeds of a plant grown in India in Asia, Brazil and some African countries. Oil is tasteless and very dense. Castor oil is used mainly for skin care and massage (diluted with another oil). Because it is very strong, castor oil should be used only in very small amounts. Because this oil can not be preserved for long, it must be purchased in small quantities. I discovered the castor oil  benefits in high school and since then I use it  every week.


10 Effective Hair Masks to Treat Hair Loss At Home

10 Effective Hair Masks to Treat Hair Loss At Home

Worried about falling hair? Fret not; these 10 hair masks to treat hair loss are just what you need!Hair loss can strike anyone, and at any age. While one tries to do everything to protect one’s hair from environmental damages and the like, it is quite a demotivation and a confidence shaker when we begin to notice our hair falling out. Hair fall or hair loss has become a common problem today, plaguing people across age groups and genders. There is no prerequisite demographic – hair loss can affect anyone. Experts say that it is common to lose up to a hundred strands of hair a day. However, anything beyond this number is considered a sign of pending hair loss. 

Wash and Save Your Wands

With a few tips and tricks, you don’t have to be a professional to have fabulous looking makeup. It has taken me years to learn my face shape, what colors flatter me, how much to apply, and how to apply it so that it looks beautiful and natural. But, I think I’ve finally perfected my morning routine!
You don’t have to spend hours doing it, either. Once you have the know-how, you’ll see just how much makeup can accentuate your best features and hide those that aren’t as favorable. Here are a few makeup tips and tricks that you’ll wish you had known a long, long time ago!
If you like this post, you might also like this list of 20 Beauty Mistakes You Didn’t Know You Were Making.

Wash and Save Your Wands

Untangle the myth, and let your luscious locks down! #beauty #tips

Untangle the myth, and let your luscious locks down! #beauty #tips

You know that slightly painful and oddly stressful moment when you can’t get your brush through the knotted, tangled mess that you call hair? We’ve all been there — a bunch of times, actually: après beach, after a shampoo session, and some of us have hair that loves to knot itself with no provocation whatsoever. via


Even your grandparents may be familiar with this ancient cosmetic product. Vaseline has been a life saver and was the only products to be served the most in beauty and makeup counters. However, with the increasing number of cosmetic is today’s world, the importance of Vaseline have deteriorated a bit. However, irrespective of other products there are various hacks and uses that you can actually do only and only with Vaseline. Make your own natural vaseline >>


Baby Hair: The easiest way to tame baby grown hair is fixing them back with little of Vaseline to help keep your hair in place.

Highlighter: If you are running out of highlighter, you can make your own highlighter by using vaseline. Take some Vaseline and apply it on your cheeks.

Makeup Remover: Vaseline helps to remove the lipstick from your lips easily and also moisturizes your lips.