Thursday 2 July 2015

10 fixes for common shaving mistakes


10 fixes for common shaving mistakes

Shaving. Ugh. Amirite? Probably one of the best thing about the colder-weather seasons is that we can go longer without shaving — and therefore longer without common shaving mistakes we make. Especially during No-Shave-November, because girls can totally do it too. But really, is there anything in a beauty routine that takes as long to do that causes the same level of misery? And besides that fact shaving is simply not fun, it’s also expensive. I mean, stores even keep those refill blades locked up. It’s probably because razor blades are the most expensive thing that retailers carry that the fewest number of people actually want to pay for (but still have to buy). And honestly, having products like that is pretty messed up. Especially since, as women, we pay more for our gender-specified products than men. But I’ve digressed.  via


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