Wednesday, 14 October 2015

4 Ways to Use Yoga Blocks to Improve Flexibility


4 Ways to Use Yoga Blocks to Improve Flexibility

On the Yoga Forum for more yoga chat with likeminded people. It's a great little supportive corner of the internet, and I'd love to chat with you there! 

Personally, I find improving flexibility one of the toughest things to do because it takes a lot of time and patience - two things that the majority of us don't have (#amiright?!). I really haven't found any way around that (sorry!), but using props like yoga blocks is definitely a way to work on your flexibility if you feel like you've hit a plateau. 

1. Forward fold - for forward fold, we're working on our hamstring flexibility, so placing a yoga block on the legs (any which way works for you is fine - it can be vertical or horizontal) may help. Rest your head on the block and with each exhale, visualize your stomach coming down toward your thighs. Try to stay here for 5 - 7 breaths (or more, if you can).

Related 3 ways to improve your forward fold

2. Janu Sirsasana A - This is forward fold but with one leg bent, and it's working on the hamstrings and the inner thigh and hips as well. So, same idea. Place the yoga block on the floor this time, any way that works for you, and rest the head. With each exhale, visualize your stomach coming toward toward your thighs, visualize the shoulders and hips even. Breathe fully here for 5 - 7 breaths or more.

Related The one thing I highly recommend for deepening your practice

3. Lizard pose - Lizard pose is hip opener can be super tough for people with tight hips and a block sort of raises the floor so you can spend some time here without wanting to scream (or is that just me?!). Anyway, place the block any way that works for you, and bring the forearms down to the block. With each exhale, visualize any tension you're feeling totally released. Breathe 5 - 7 breaths or longer.

4. Wide leg forward fold - This is a good one for the hamstrings, too. Bring your head down and rest here, breathing into the backs of the legs. Visualize the hip joints in line with the ankles and hold here for 5 - 7 breaths. | via


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