Sunday, 18 October 2015

20 Best Fitness Tips to Build Muscles and Burn Fat Effeciently


20 Best Fitness Tips to Build Muscles and Burn Fat Effeciently

The best way to get a flatter stomach is an exercise I call table push-backs. That is, push baaack from the table and stop stuffing your face. Contrary to the latest infomercial, you won't get flat abs by using the latest and greatest ab contraption. The secret to flat abs is your diet. That right: It's 80 percent diet and 20 percent exercise.

You can do a million crunches until you're blue in the face and that lovely muffin top will remain covering your toned abs until you change your diet and start to eat clean. A clean diet means eat everything closest to its natural state (so skip commercial snack foods...donuts, cakes, cookies, chips--even the organic ones, processed foods, high-fat salad dressings, all fried foods, fast foods, alcohol, soda, sugary get the idea). Eating a quality diet of fresh vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and low-fat proteins (in the appropriate amounts) is the best way to get better abs and a better body overall.

As far as exercise goes, cardio is primarily for toning the heart muscle and burning fat; strength training is for toning muscle (through body weight exercises, free weight training, kettle bells, weight machines). Get in a good cardio workout most days a week, and make sure to do toning exercises that also target your abs. Try to do toning exercises at least two to three times a week on non-consecutive days. | via


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